Tuesday, September 12, 2006

San Francisco -- Wireless Fidelity

Beginning several months ago the news was filled with articles introducing the proposal to create a "Free Wireless Internet" zone in the San Francisco area. In the past couple of weeks this plan was fulfilled.

According to various articles, a consortium of the world's largest technology companies, including I.B.M. and Cisco Systems, has come together to support the Silicon Valley Metro Connect group as they build the largest wireless network to date.

The new network will provide free wireless access to approximately 2.4 million people living to the south of San Francisco in the Silicon Valley area.

From a quick review of various news sources it seems that this is only the beginning of a future of free wireless. Google and several other large technology companies are working closely with state and city governments to plan many other similar networks in cities like Chicago, Boston and many others.

I am excited to see this new development. With current VoIP capabilities and with Nokia already testing a new kind of cellular phone that can cross between cellular and wireless networks, I wonder how long it will take to transfer all communication onto a single, unified network.


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